A Few Tips to Win Online Games
Whichever casino game you decide to play you must know about it thoroughly by reading up about the rule and strategies every site has its own guide but the basic rules are similar. It is better to play in the lower tables initially as you are still a beginner. Keep adding to it and play with your winnings. If you are here to win some money there are certain things that you have to keep in mind. Only you have to be cautious enough to read the terms and conditions before accepting the free money. Try and understand...

Losing Weight, Here We Go!
How many times I tried and stopped, I still continue my goal of losing a few pounds or losing my belly fats. I know it's hard, but it won't stop me from starting all over again if I missed. I will be a hypocrite if I don't say, I'm getting lazy at times, too lazy to continue my work out or doing a simple diet. And during this lazy times, I can't help thinking what if I tried one of those weight loss pills. I sometimes check phentermine reviews to give me a clear information what this weight loss pill can do.

Friday Fill-Ins #200

1. Why does everybody gets so buzzed up with buying Christmas gifts?
2. I wish I have lots of money to see the world.
3. Thank you for not changing since the last time I saw you.
4. New Year is my favorite holiday because its another year of starting anew.
5. I am SO tired right now.
6. We are going to be whatever we make up our minds to be.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to rest because I'll tired after my...

pink stuff #69: pink blinds
This December is a total pimping of our small but lovely abode. Some furnitures are coming in, and because the stuff are new I need to re-decorate the place. Well, if ever pink blinds can complement the new furnitures, I'll definitely be getting pink then.
Hmm... on a second thought, I'll put these blinds in our room! Haha! I guess, hubby wouldn't approve... but still I love it! There's nothing he can do about it... it's...

pink stuff #68: pink casserole
I need a new set of casserole!
Haha! I haven't got a set yet, so I really want one... Maybe this coming Christmas somebody can think of giving me a set, right?
Well, if not, I'll tell hubby to buy a PINK set for me, if he can find one... ...